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Industrial Electricity, Related Books & Study Guides:
Installation, Automation, Controls, Equipment, Maintenance, Instrumentation, Motors, Transformers, Safety, etc.

2023 NEC  2020  2017  2014  2011  Calculations  DataComm  Electrical 1 2  Electricity  Electronics  Estimating  Exam Prep  Hobby  Industrial  Insulated Tools Lockout/Tagout  Low Voltage  Maintenance  Marine  PLC / Motor Controls  PPE Clothing  Residential   Safety  Theory  Tools  Utility  Voice/Data/Video
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2023 NEC & Related Reference & Study Guides
2023 NEC & Related Reference & Study Guides

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Unsafe Ladder
 ECN Photo of the Week:
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Applied Grounding and Bonding Based on the 2023 NEC NEW!Applied Grounding and Bonding Based on the 2023 NEC -

By the Electrical Training Alliance (IBEW - NECA)

Applied Grounding & Bonding is uniquely designed to follow the installation of a grounding and bonding system the way a contractor and electrical worker install it.

Topics covered include service, feeder, and branch circuit grounding and bonding, as well as more specialized topics such as grounding and bonding in health care facilities, hazardous locations, and lightning protection. Updated to the 2023 NEC - more

Applied Grounding and Bonding 2020 Applied Grounding and Bonding - 2020 -

by the Electrical Training Alliance

Applied Grounding & Bonding is uniquely designed to follow the installation of a grounding and bonding system the way a contractor and electrical worker install it.

Topics covered include service, feeder, and branch circuit grounding and bonding, as well as more specialized topics such as grounding and bonding in health care facilities, hazardous locations, and lightning protection - more

Applied Grounding and Bonding Applied Grounding and Bonding - 2017 -

by the Electrical Training Alliance

Applied Grounding & Bonding is uniquely designed to follow the installation of a grounding and bonding system the way a contractor and electrical worker install it.

Topics covered include service, feeder, and branch circuit grounding and bonding, as well as more specialized topics such as grounding and bonding in health care facilities, hazardous locations, and lightning protection - more

Building Automation Control Devices and Applications
Book w/ CD-ROM

Building Automation Control Devices and Applications -

Building Automation Control Devices and Applications covers the operation, signals, and functions of the sensors, actuators, and other control equipment used in automated systems in commercial buildings. It is a solid foundation for a comprehensive training program in building automation.

The textbook is organized by building system, and each system is explained so that the function and application of each device is clear. This system-based foundation is then used to discuss the possibilities of interaction between multiple systems in automated buildings. - more

Building Automation: System Integration with Open Protocols
Book w/ CD-ROM

Building Automation: System Integration with Open Protocols -

Building Automation: System Integration with Open Protocols introduces concepts of automated electronic controls and network communication and then details the two primary protocols for wired networks: LonWorks® and BACnet®.

Each system is thoroughly described with information about installation, configuration, operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting.

The capstone of this textbook is a series of examples that illustrate the design, installation, and configuration of each protocol in various scenarios.

The final chapter discusses the future of building automation, including trends in the industry, networking, protocols, and control strategies. - more

Building Controls
Book w/ DVD

New!Building Controls -

Building Controls was developed in conjunction with the United Association of Journeyworkers and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry for use in building automation system training.

The textbook covers topics such as control concepts/theory, network communication in building automation, control devices/equipment in building automation, building automation and operation, and system integration in the HVAC industry. - more

Text, Workbook & Answer Key Available

Circuit Breakers: A Technician’s Guide to Low- and Medium-Voltage Circuit Breakers New!Circuit Breakers: A Technician’s Guide to Low- and Medium-Voltage Circuit Breakers -

Circuit Breakers: A Technician’s Guide to Low- and Medium-Voltage Circuit Breakers is a comprehensive overview of circuit breakers used in commercial, industrial, and utility applications.

It covers circuit breaker construction, operation, and maintenance.

This new textbook covers insertion and removal (racking) of circuit breakers, safety and protection from arc-flash hazards, and troubleshooting procedures for circuit breakers. - more

Commercial and Industrial Wiring NEW!Commercial & Industrial Wiring, 2E -

Commercial and Industrial Wiring focuses on the installation and maintenance of electrical wiring in commercial and industrial facilities.

Commercial and Industrial Wiring, 2E covers the use of standards, codes, electrical drawings, and appropriate tools to safely and properly install and maintain raceway systems, enclosures, fittings, conductors, and devices.

This edition is updated to the 2014 NEC®, expands coverage of electrical test instruments and ladder diagrams, includes descriptions of LED lamps and variable frequency drives, and adds a large section on renewable energy system installations.  more.

Conduit Bending and Fabrication Conduit Bending and Fabrication -

By: In Partnership with NJATC

This new text was developed to help technicians learn to accurately bend electrical conduit.

Conduit Bending and Fabrication includes numerous step-by-step procedures showing the proper methods of conduit bending. The major emphasis of the book is on learning the fundamentals required when bending EMT and rigid conduit.

The book also covers the operation of mechanical, electrical, and hydraulic benders. It is an ideal reference for any electrician or maintenance technician. - more

Digital Multimeter PrinciplesDigital Multimeter Principles is a must for all technicians, from contractors to maintenance staff. This new edition of Digital Multimeter Principles is designed to provide an introduction to DMM operation principles and procedures. - more

Digital Multimeter Principles WorkbookDigital Multimeter Principles Workbook can be used by an individual for self study with the Digital Multimeter Principles text. Instructions for using the Workbook are written for easy self study. - more

Digital Multimeter Principles Resource GuideDigital Multimeter Principles Resource Guide provides everything needed to teach the basics of digital multimeter usage. It is a valuable instructional tool for training in group settings. - more

ElectriCalc Pro

$99.95 $74.95

New!ElectriCalc Pro Electrical Calculator - Updated to 2023 NEC!

ElectriCalc Pro with FREE Armadillo CaseElectrical Contractors, Designers, Electricians and Lighting Specialists solve tough electrical calculations in seconds and deliver those solutions in conformance with the latest NEC.  Saves time, reduces material cost and eliminates code violations on electrical design, estimating and construction jobs. The ElectriCalc Pro is a complete electrical reference tool that will save time, trouble and money. 

Compliant with 2023, 2020, 2017, 2014, 2011, 2008, 2005, 2002, 1999, 1996 NEC and updateable for future code revisions. Complete wire sizing, integrated voltage drops solutions and conduit sizing solutions: finds motor full-loads, computes fuse and breaker sizes and size overload protection.

Includes FREE Armadillo Gear protective Hard Case.

Upgrade your older ElectriCalc with the NEC UPGRADE KIT  - more info

OEL Arc Flash Protection Clothing
Arc Flash Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) / FR Clothing
Electrical Exam Prep Books and Materials

Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated SystemsElectrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems -

This industry-leading text includes the latest motor control and integrated systems technology for instruction of advanced manufacturing skills.

The latest test tools, safety practices, and technology have been added to complement the advancing technology of motor starters, motor drives, PLCs, and control devices. - more

Electrical Motor Controls Resource GuideElectrical Motor Controls Instructor's Resource Guide

is a valuable instructional tool designed for training in group settings. The Instructor's Resource Guide includes an Instructor's Guide, Instructional Outlines, PowerPoint® Presentations, Interactive Illustrations, Flash Cards, Quick Quizzes®, Illustrated Glossary, Pretest, Posttest, Answer Keys, and Test Generator Software. - more

Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems Workbook

Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems Workbook -
The Workbook provides Worksheets for each major concept presented in the Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems text. For review, a Tech-Chek follows each chapter. - more

Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems Applications Manual

Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems Applications Manual -
This outstanding instructional tool includes hands-on application information that expands on content presented in Electrical Motor Controls for Integrated Systems text. - more
Electric Motor Drive Installation and Troubleshooting Electric Motor Drive Installation and Troubleshooting, 3E -

Electric Motor Drive Installation and Troubleshooting is designed for technicians in the field responsible for installing, programming, troubleshooting, and retrofitting electric motor drives.

This industry-leading resource begins with electric motor principles, power requirements, and control methods and focuses on the safe operation, installation, startup, and troubleshooting of electric motor drives. This new edition provides comprehensive coverage of electric motor drive retrofit procedures and includes proven, real-world application scenarios.

Also included is the latest NFPA 70E® safety information. End-of-chapter review questions and activities provide a variety of assessment opportunities. - more

Test Equipment by REED, Amprobe, Ideal & more

Test Equipment by Amprobe, Ideal, TIF, Zircon & more

> Anemometers/ Air Flow Meters
> Calibrators
> Circuit Breaker Finders/ Tracers
> Clamp-On Meters/ Accessories
> DataComm Testers & Certifiers
> Electrical Testers
> Electrical / HVAC Test Kits
Environment Meters
> Force / Hardness Gauges
Gas Detectors
Ground Resistance Testers
Humidity Meters
Insulation Resistance Testers
IR (Infrared) Thermometers
Leak Detectors
Light Meters
> Megohmmeters
> Moisture Meters
> Multimeters & Accessories
> Multi-Function Meters
> PH /ORP / DO / Conductivity
> Phase Sequence Testers
> Power Quality Analyzers
> Solar Power Meters
Sound Level Meters
> Tachometers
> Thermal Imaging Camera
> Thermometers
> Thickness / Torque / Vibration
> Underground Locators
> Video Inspection Tools
> Voltage Sensors
> Water Quality Meters
Wire Tracers
Unique and Must-Have Tools for Electricians, Inatallers, Maintenance and Service Tecnicians

>> Tools for Electricians <<

Electrical Principles and Practices, 4E NEW!Electrical Principles and Practices, 4E

An introduction to electrical and electronic principles and practices and their uses in residential, commercial, and industrial applications.

This new edition has been reorganized to provide coverage of key electrical concepts at the beginning of the text. Other chapters have been expanded to include greater coverage on personal protective equipment, NFPA 70E, basic first aid, test instruments, printreading, and programmable logic relays.

Expanded content includes the latest information on NFPA 70E® arc blast and arc flash requirements, portable generator sizing, power optimization, utility power factor and peak demand penalty, load shedding, power factor correction, smart grid and smart appliance technology, and wireless speakers. - more
Instructor's Resource Guide Available

Also See Electrical Safety Related Books
Electrical Safety: A Practical Guide to OSHA and NFPA 70E® 2024 NEW!Electrical Safety: A Practical Guide to OSHA and NFPA 70E® 2024 -

Electrical Safety: A Practical Guide to OSHA and NFPA 70E® is a comprehensive overview of electrical safety in the workplace.

The textbook features chapters on approach boundaries, working on energized circuits, establishing an electrically safe work environment, and choosing and inspecting personal protective equipment.

Both OSHA regulations and the NFPA 70E® 2024 standards are covered to provide a clear overview of proper electrical safety procedures.

The information provided helps learners understand how to reduce risk and avoid electrical hazards in the workplace while still being productive, which makes this textbook a valuable training tool for trainers, contractors, safety officials, and electricians in the field. - more

Electrical Safety: A Practical Guide to OSHA and NFPA 70E® Electrical Safety: A Practical Guide to OSHA and NFPA 70E® 2021 -

Electrical Safety: A Practical Guide to OSHA and NFPA 70E® is a comprehensive overview of electrical safety in the workplace.

The textbook features chapters on approach boundaries, working on energized circuits, establishing an electrically safe work environment, and choosing and inspecting personal protective equipment.

Both OSHA regulations and the NFPA 70E® 2021 standards are covered to provide a clear overview of proper electrical safety procedures.

The information provided helps learners understand how to reduce risk and avoid electrical hazards in the workplace while still being productive, which makes this textbook a valuable training tool for trainers, contractors, safety officials, and electricians in the field. - more

Electrical Safety Handbook


The Electrical Safety Handbook is an easy-to-use, illustrated source of life-saving information tailored to fit specific work environments.

Written by renowned experts in electrical construction safety and medicine, the Electrical Safety Handbook is the reference professionals trust for up-to-date and easy-to-follow safety strategies in industrial and commercial electrical systems.

Covering every major electrical standard, including NEC, NESC, NFPA, 70E, IEEE 1584, and OSHA, Electrical Safety Handbook is a practical, illustrated source of life-saving information designed for specific work environments. - more

Also See Electrical & Construction Safety Related
NEW!Electrical Systems Based on the 2023 NEC -

Electrical Systems is designed for use by journeyman and master electricians, inspectors, contractors, and others in the electrical trade.

This authoritative textbook is recognized in the industry for providing a comprehensive overview of the 2023 National Electrical Code.

Concise text and descriptive illustrations cover the Code and its application to wiring methods and materials, conductors and overcurrent protection devices, branch circuits and feeders, grounding, transformers, services, special locations, calculations, and renewable energy systems. - more

Electrical Systems for Facilities Maintenance Personnel New!Electrical Systems for Facilities Maintenance Personnel -

Electrical Systems for Facilities Maintenance Personnel provides a detailed overview of facility electrical equipment and systems as well as the testing, maintenance, and troubleshooting skills that facilities maintenance personnel need on a commercial job site.

Electrical Systems for Facilities Maintenance Personnel is a comprehensive preparation resource for those responsible for maintaining commercial building electrical systems and equipment.

Distribution System, Lighting System, HVAC System, and Motor Control circuit principles, testing, and troubleshooting concepts are presented through a hands-on approach.

** Instructor's Resource Guide Available - more

 Also See Electrical Theory Related Items

Electrical Wiring Industrial, 16E
$99.95 $163.95

Electrical Wiring Industrial, 16E (2017 NEC) -

Walking you step by step through an industrial building, ELECTRICAL WIRING INDUSTRIAL, 16th Edition, equips you with the basic knowledge and skills you need to safely install wiring systems.

This text is written in easy-to-read language and packed with vivid photographs and illustrations to help you understand key concepts. It is also thoroughly updated to reflect the 2017 National Electric Code, the standard for layout and construction of electrical systems.

Plenty of example problems and detailed solutions clearly illustrate how the concepts apply to real-world situations. In addition, a set of building blueprints helps you see how each chapter's concepts are applied in an actual industrial building.

Also See more Electricity Related
Energy Auditing for Industrial Facilities Energy Auditing for Industrial Facilities -

Energy Auditing for Industrial Facilities is an introduction to the planning, conducting, documenting, and evaluating of an energy audit.

An energy audit identifies potential causes of energy or resource waste and serves as the first step in making a facility more energy efficient.

Specific types of measurements and how to interpret them are given for each system in a facility. The textbook also covers prioritizing, implementing, and verifying energy-efficiency projects as well as giving suggestions for sustaining long-term results.

After studying this material, technicians familiar with building systems and the use of test instruments will be able to participate in an energy audit. - more

Energy Auditing Practices - A Guide to Benchmarking, Auditing and Retrofitting Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Buildings Energy Auditing Practices - A Guide to Benchmarking, Auditing and Retrofitting Residential, Commercial, and Industrial Buildings -

A comprehensive guide to the entire energy auditing process, from benchmarking and developing energy conservation goals to implementing system changes and verifying the results.

Topics presented in this manual include energy audit types; preplanning; retrofit cost-effectiveness; energy audit reports; common benchmarks; audit safety; residential HVAC system equipment, water heaters, and lighting; commercial and industrial HVAC system equipment and lighting; retrofit modeling; and system recommissioning.

Includes Interactive DVD - more

Fluid Power Systems New!Fluid Power Systems, 2E -

Fluid Power Systems is a text/workbook that covers topics specifically relating to the design, application, and maintenance of hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

This new edition has been redesigned and includes expanded content on hydraulic pumps, fluid conductors, connectors, and means of transmission.

The text/workbook addresses fluid power systems, components, and devices specific to industrial, commercial, and mobile power equipment applications such as pumps, valves, actuators, electrical controls, and troubleshooting techniques. Each component, device, or system is introduced with descriptions, operation, common applications, system examples, and operating characteristics.

The included FluidSIM® 4.2 Student Version simulation software provides the learner with an added tool to create, build, and troubleshoot hydraulic circuits in the form of specific activities in the text/workbook. Instructors can also create their own activities. more

Fluid Power Systems Book w/ Answer Key
Fluid Power Systems
Answer Key
Fluid Power Systems, 1E -

Fluid Power Systems is a text/workbook that presents an introduction to the design, application, and maintenance of hydraulic and pneumatic systems.

It features large, full-color illustrations detailing systems, components, and devices specific to industrial and commercial applications. Content includes pumps, valves, actuators, electrical controls, and troubleshooting techniques and focuses on the design, analysis, operation, and maintenance of fluid power systems.

The first CD-ROM included contains Quick Quizzes®, an illustrated glossary, flash cards, interactive schematics, review questions, media clips, and online resources

A second CD-ROM contains FluidSIM® 4.2 Student Version simulation software that gives the learner an added tool to create, build, and troubleshoot hydraulic circuits.
HVAC Control Systems, 4E
HVAC Control Systems, 4E -

HVAC Control Systems provides an introduction to HVAC fundamentals and control system principles for pneumatic, electromechanical, electronic, and building automation control systems.

HVAC Control Systems provides an introduction to HVAC fundamentals and an in-depth explanation of HVAC control systems.

This textbook is designed for HVAC, building maintenance, and controls technicians. It includes coverage of commercial heating and cooling systems, indoor air quality, ventilation requirements, and the networks and controls used to manage them.

Each chapter is divided into sections, with checkpoints reinforcing comprehension of key concepts. - more

HVAC Control Systems, 2E
$110.00 $66.95
HVAC Control Systems, 2E -

HVAC Control Systems contains 26 chapters that cover all aspects of HVAC control systems used in industry. Topics included are specifically designed for HVAC and building maintenance technicians.

The textbook provides an introduction to HVAC fundamentals, energy sources, and control principles. Pneumatic, electromechanical, and electronic components and control systems are covered.

The textbook also covers the latest technology in energy efficiency practices, building automation systems, networking, direct digital control, building automation system retrofitting, maintenance management, and troubleshooting principles. - more

Industrial Maintenance and Troubleshooting New!Industrial Maintenance and Troubleshooting -

Industrial Maintenance and Troubleshooting has long been a trusted textbook for maintenance technicians.

Real-world maintenance problems and solutions are depicted throughout the textbook, along with equipment operation principles, maintenance management procedures, and troubleshooting scenarios for common systems.

This edition has been extensively revised with expanded coverage of troubleshooting techniques and applications. - more

Industrial Mechanics
Industrial Mechanics, 4E Industrial Mechanics Workbook

Industrial Mechanics, 4th Edition, presents a comprehensive introduction to the concepts, principles, and equipment used in industrial mechanical systems as required by industrial mechanics, technicians, and maintenance personnel.

This new edition includes the latest information on workplace safety, tools and tool safety, fastening methods, printreading, precision measurement, rigging and lifting, lubrication, bearings, flexible belt and mechanical drives, vibration and alignment, electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic principles and applications, and preventative maintenance programs

Industrial Mechanics is designed for postsecondary, industrial, and apprenticeship training programs. - more

Instrumentation and Process Control Instrumentation and Process Control -

Instrumentation and Process Control is a comprehensive resource that provides a technician-level approach to instrumentation used in process control.

With an emphasis on common industrial applications, this textbook covers the four fundamental instrumentation measurements of temperature, pressure, level, and flow, in addition to position, humidity, moisture, and typical liquid and gas measuring instruments.

Fundamental scientific principles, detailed illustrations, descriptive photographs, and concise text are used throughout.  - more

Introduction to Thermography Principles Introduction to Thermography Principles -

Created in Cooperation with Fluke Corporation and The Snell Group

Introduction to Thermography Principles provides an overview of the latest information on the safe, efficient, and practical use of thermal imagers.

This full-color booklet depicts thermal images of electrical, HVAC, plumbing, hydraulic, and pneumatic circuits. Real-world examples illustrate commercial, industrial, municipal, and residential applications.

In addition, the book provides information on thermography analysis, reporting, documentation, return on investment resources, and related technologies. - more

Lineworker Rigging Practices

New!Lineworker Rigging Practices -

Lineworker Rigging Practices is an introduction to the physical principles, safety considerations, and common practices involved in hoisting loads.

This process involves planning a lift, evaluating and preparing a load, choosing appropriate rigging equipment, rigging a load, communicating hoisting instructions, and conducting a lift safely.

Each step is critical to maintaining a controlled lift with a proper margin of safety.

Online Resources provide interactive tools that reinforce key concep[ts and other signaling practice. - more

Motor and Drive Troubleshooting: Basic Testing to Advanced Diagnostics
Motor and Drive Troubleshooting: Basic Testing to Advanced Diagnostics

Motor and Drive Troubleshooting: Basic Testing to Advanced Diagnostics is a new textbook that provides an overview of the latest information on the safe, efficient, and practical use of portable oscilloscopes (scope meters).

This new book has five chapters that include the fundamental principles, basic procedures, common applications, and inspection methodologies of handheld portable oscilloscopes as compared to other test instruments such as clamp-on ammeters and digital multimeters (DMMs).

Detailed commercial and industrial illustrations, applications, and procedures supplement the material. - more

Motors Motors, 2E

Motors provides a comprehensive overview of electrical theory and fundamental motor operating principles as they relate to installation and troubleshooting procedures.

This full-color textbook is designed to develop basic competencies related to fundamental concepts and advanced topics. It can be used in a classroom learning situation, as a self-study text, or as a desktop reference book on motor operation.

 The text offers real-world applications that an electrician is likely to face in the field and combines that usage with the theoretical content in the textbook. The text also presents correct safety procedures in compliance with NFPA 70E.

Each text contains a CD-ROM with Quick Quizzes™, an Illustrated Glossary, Media Clips, and Reference Material. - more

UGLY's Reference Series
UGLY's Reference Series

NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace

NFPA 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace 2012 -

The 2012 NFPA 70E responds to the challenges, making it easier to ensure an electrically safe working area and comply with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and OSHA 1926 Subpart K.

Workplace safety in the United States is evolving due to better awareness and implementation of NFPA 70E: Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace®. Yet hundreds of deaths and thousands of disabling injuries still occur each year due to shock, electrocution, arc flash, and arc blast -- and most could be prevented through NFPA 70E compliance.

Originally developed at OSHA's request, NFPA 70E responds to new information about the effects of arc flash, arc blast, and direct current (dc) hazards, and recent developments in electrical design and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

OEL Arc Flash Protection Clothing
Arc Flash Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) / FR Clothing
Occupational Safety & Health New!Occupational Safety & Health -

Occupational Safety & Health provides an overview of potential workplace hazards, necessary safety practices, and how various processes need to be managed in order to maintain a safe workplace.

This textbook is designed for use in introductory safety courses and by professionals who want to advance in the field as well as individuals who need to understand and implement safety programs.

Appropriate safety regulations and laws, hazard recognition, and personal protective equipment are addressed. - more

 User's Guide to Electrical PPE based on NFPA 70E
$19.95 $59.95

A User's Guide to Electrical PPE Based on NFPA 70E -

Analyze risks and work smart! Every electrician on the job needs the User's Guide to Electrical PPE.

This full-color manual to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is a "must" for the practicing electrical contractor or electrician.

Based on NFPA 70E®: Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace® and written by Ray Jones, the top ranking expert in electrical safety, User's Guide to Electrical PPE helps workers and supervisors competently analyze risks and take the action needed to avoid electrical contract injuries.

An abundance of full-color photographs illustrate equipment in a wide variety of work environments. - more

Power Quality Measurement and Troubleshooting New!Power Quality Measurement and Troubleshooting, 3E -

Power Quality Measurement and Troubleshooting covers the fundamentals of power generation, power, distribution, power quality, monitoring, and troubleshooting.

Online and portable power monitoring concepts are detailed for commercial, industrial, and residential applications. Power quality measurements with various types of test instruments are introduced with common applications.

This textbook also addresses personal protective equipment based on requirements specified in NFPA 70E®, Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. Chapter reviews and activities help reinforce learning of key concepts.- more

 Power Quality Measurement and Troubleshooting

Power Quality Measurement and Troubleshooting, 2E -

This edition covers the fundamentals of power generation, distribution, quality, monitoring, and troubleshooting. On-line and portable power monitoring and testing concepts are detailed.

Power quality measurements are introduced with common applications. Factoids throughout the chapters relate to power quality principles, troubleshooting tips, test instrument applications, and selected chapter content.

Power Quality Measurement and Troubleshooting is authorized by the Fluke Corporation, and Fluke test instruments are depicted throughout the text.

Expanded coverage on procedures for phase unbalance measurement, single phasing measurement, three phase measurement, phase sequence measurement, and motor rotation measurement

Printreading Based on the 2023 NEC New!Printreading Based on the 2023 NEC -

Printreading Based on the 2023 NEC provides a thorough foundation for understanding drawings and concepts related to electrical printreading.

It includes important changes that appear in the 2023 National Electrical Code as they pertain to one-family dwellings, multifamily dwellings, commercial locations, industrial locations, special equipment, and hazardous locations.

Electrical plans are used in conjunction with NEC requirements to familiarize the learner with standards that promote best practices. This informative and full color textbook serves as both an instructional tool and a valuable technical reference for professionals in the field. - more

Printreading for Installing and Troubleshooting Electrical Systems New!Printreading for Installing and Troubleshooting Electrical Systems, 2E -

Printreading for Installing and Troubleshooting Electrical Systems is a comprehensive resource that covers the essential printreading skills needed to safely install and troubleshoot common residential, commercial, and industrial electrical systems.

The textbook focuses on printreading fundamentals, symbols, print elements, and construction documentation.

The textbook contains 15 chapters and includes nearly 200 electrical prints along with examples to reinforce key concepts. Review questions, examples, activities, and trade competency tests are included to assess learner comprehension, while providing examples of real-world printreading tasks. - more

Printreading for Heavy Commercial Construction, 4E

Printreading for Heavy Commercial Construction, 4E -

Printreading for Heavy Commercial Construction, 4E covers the skills needed to interpret plans and printreading symbols commonly included on prints for large commercial structures.

This new edition provides updated information on the National Electrical Code (NEC®), LEED® certification, and CSI MasterFormat™.

Expanded topics include public and private project owners, surveying, underground utility location, slip forms, building automation, and interior trim. New energy center prints have been added, along with corresponding final exam questions.

Includes Prints from 4 Heavy Commercial Construction Projects - a total of 62 Sheets! - more

Also See >> PLC Training Software
New!Programmable Logic Controllers Principles and Applications -

Programmable Logic Controllers: Principles and Applications covers the fundamentals of installing, programming, and troubleshooting PLC-embedded systems used in industrial control applications.

This text/workbook provides a foundation for PLC troubleshooting using software and test instruments while adhering to electrical safety. It also covers the use of discrete and analog input and output device installation, programming, and operation. - more

Programming FANUC Robots for Industry Applications

New!Programming FANUC Robots for Industry Applications -

This user-friendly text/workbook describes the robot cell environment, robot components, basic operation, safety considerations, and programming concepts.

Step-by-step procedures walk the learner through the elements of setting up, developing, and modifying programs. These programming skills are applicable for assembly, pick-and-place, welding, and a variety of other industrial processes.

Learners will be able to establish robot frames; determine the parameters for movements, commands, and instructions; interact with other cell equipment; and implement features for efficient and complex programs.

Also See >> PLC Training Software

Test Equipment by REED, Amprobe, Ideal, TIF, Zircon & more

Test Equipment by Amprobe, Ideal, TIF, Zircon & more

> Anemometers/ Air Flow Meters
> Calibrators
> Circuit Breaker Finders/ Tracers
> Clamp-On Meters/ Accessories
> DataComm Testers & Certifiers
> Electrical Testers
> Electrical / HVAC Test Kits
Environment Meters
> Force / Hardness Gauges
Gas Detectors
Ground Resistance Testers
Humidity Meters
Insulation Resistance Testers
IR (Infrared) Thermometers
Leak Detectors
Light Meters
> Megohmmeters
> Moisture Meters
> Multimeters & Accessories
> Multi-Function Meters
> PH /ORP / DO / Conductivity
> Phase Sequence Testers
> Power Quality Analyzers
> Solar Power Meters
Sound Level Meters
> Tachometers
> Thermal Imaging Camera
> Thermometers
> Thickness / Torque / Vibration
> Underground Locators
> Video Inspection Tools
> Voltage Sensors
> Water Quality Meters
Wire Tracers
Unique and Must-Have Tools for Electricians, Inatallers, Maintenance and Service Tecnicians

>> Tools for Electricians <<

Rigging, Hoisting and Signaling Practices
Textbook +
Pocket Guide

Rigging, Hoisting and Signaling Practices -

Rigging, Hoisting, and Signaling Practices is an introduction to the equipment, calculations, and procedures required for the safe handling and transportation of materials by hoists or cranes. Rigging, Hoisting and Signaling Practices Quick Reference Guide

This textbook is relevant for all personnel involved in lifting operations and can be used as part of a training program for certification preparation.

Topics include industry standards and certifications, crane types and dynamics, signaling procedures, lift planning, weight and balance, sling loads, rigging components, equipment handling, hoists, and lifting procedures.

Readers learn how to calculate a load’s weight and center of gravity (CG) and how these determine the sling loads on the rigging. Content also includes the effect of rigging arrangements and mechanical advantage on sling and line loads. - more

Significant Changes to the 2023 NEC New!Significant Changes to the 2023 NEC -

By the electrical training ALLIANCE, In Partnership with NECA

Significant Changes to the NEC® 2023 is an invaluable resource for electricians, electrical inspectors, electrical contractors, and electrical engineers.

The National Electrical Code (NEC) is the most widely recognized and accepted electrical standard in the world. Every three years, the NEC is updated to reflect the newest installation practices utilized by the electrical industry.

Significant Changes to the NEC 2023 is an invaluable resource for electricians, electrical contractors, electrical inspectors, and electrical engineers, focusing on the most important changes that occurred between the 2020 NEC and 2023 NEC. - more

Significant Changes to the 2020 NEC New!Significant Changes to the 2020 NEC -

By the electrical training ALLIANCE, In Partnership with NECA

Significant Changes to the NEC 2020 is an invaluable resource for electricians, electrical inspectors, electrical contractors, and electrical engineers.

The textbook focuses on the most important changes between the 2017 and 2020 NEC.

The National Electrical Code (NEC) is the most widely recognized and accepted electrical standard in the world. Every three years, the NEC is updated to reflect the newest installation practices utilized by the electrical industry. - more

Significant Changes to the 2017 NEC Significant Changes to the NEC 2017 -

Significant Changes to the NEC 2017 is an invaluable resource for electricians, electrical contractors, electrical inspectors, and electrical engineers, focusing on the most important changes that occurred between the 2014 and 2017 NEC.

To assist and enhance understanding of each revision, the text is arranged to follow the general layout of the NEC and each change is accompanied by a helpful image or illustration. In addition, background information and a discussion on the significance of the change accompany each of the revisions.

The comprehensive coverage offered in this book enables readers to gain a solid understanding and application of the requirements contained in the 2017 NEC. - more

Significant Changes to the 2014 NEC Significant Changes to the NEC 2014 -

By: National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee (NJATC)

Significant Changes to the NEC® 2014 is an invaluable resource for electricians, electrical inspectors, electrical contractors, and electrical engineers.

The textbook focuses on the most important changes between the 2011 and 2014 NEC®.

The textbook is arranged to follow the general layout of the NEC®, and each change is accompanied by helpful images and illustrations. - more

Significant Changes to NFPA 70E® 2012 Pocket Guide

Significant Changes to NFPA 70E® 2012 Pocket Guide -

Significant Changes to NFPA 70E® Pocket Guide, 2012 edition, provides authoritative, succinct, and in depth coverage of the major changes contained in the 2012 NFPA 70E®.

The pocket guide is designed to efficiently convey the most significant changes (not all changes) in the 2012 edition of NFPA 70E®.

With years of experience in the field and as a safety instructor, the author provides insightful interpretations of key concepts that familiarize users with the major changes contained in the latest edition of NFPA 70E®.

The book can be used as a reference tool for experienced safety officials or as an introductory guide for employees with less experience.

Soares Book on Grounding and Bonding, 2017
 $59.95  $73.95

Soares Book on Grounding and Bonding, 2017 -

Not only does Soares Grounding & Bonding 2017 explain how and why certain grounding methods are used, but it does so in a logical way, balancing text with photos and illustrations.

Cutting through the confusion of industry jargon and common misconceptions, and using correct defined terminology, the authors guide the reader step-by-step through the language and intent of the National Electrical Code, NEC-2017.

In accordance with IAEI's hallmark of systematic explanations, detailed illustrations and photos of actual installations enhance each topic. Why be stumped by grounding and bonding? Bring it down to earth with this updated material.. - more

Test Instruments, 2E New!Test Instruments and Applications, 2E -

This comprehensive new text provides an overview of the latest information on the safe, efficient, and practical use of electrical test instruments.

Test Instruments provides an overview of typical electrical test instruments used for installation tests, process equipment operation, quality control, and troubleshooting activities.

Common electrical measurements are presented with an overview of measurement principles and procedures.- more

Transformers Transformers -

This heavily-illustrated text is designed to give the apprentice and journeyman a strong background for understanding transformers.

Information is presented in an open, contemporary format.

The text presents basic information about transformers and how they are built and classified. Transformers covers operation, cooling methods, tap changers, transformer connections, autotransformers, and reactors.

Also included are chapters on maintenance of transformers and a checklist for inspection. - more

Transformer Principles and Applications -

This New Text provides a comprehensive overview of transformer operation, maintenance, installation, and troubleshooting. This full-color textbook is designed to develop basic competencies of electrical apprentices and beginning learners.

It begins with a thorough discussion of magnets, magnetism, electromagnetism, and how these apply to transformer operation.

Subsequent chapters include the latest information on how transformers are used to reduce harmful effects of harmonics, and how reactors and isolation transformers are used to improve the power quality available to electronic equipment. Many different types of specialized transformers are explained. - more

Transformer Principles and Applications Resource Guide -

The Transformer Principles and Applications Instructor's Resource Guide is a valuable instructional tool. It is designed to give instructors everything they need to teach a course in transformers.

The Resource Guide includes course objectives, course development information, methods of instruction, instructional outlines, resources, and answers to questions in the text.

Featuring electronic slides of all the illustrations in the text and links to useful resources on the Internet.

This is a complete instructional package for teaching transformers. - more

Troubleshooting Electrical / Electronic Systems Troubleshooting Electrical / Electronic Systems, 3E -

Step-by-step applications show how to troubleshoot electrical and electronic systems. Activities provide hands-on experience in solving troubleshooting problems.

This third edition includes new and expanded coverage in the following areas: Alternative Energy Solutions, NFPA 70E® requirements, and Motor Nameplate Interpretation.

The textbook is designed for self-study. It includes interactive Quick Quizzes® for each chapter, an Illustrated Glossary, and Reference Material.

Textbook & Workbook are available: - more

Troubleshooting Electric Motors New!Troubleshooting Electric Motors -

This comprehensive reference presents the latest information on electric motors and drives that are used in common industrial applications.

The extensive applications, activities, and trade tests included provide the framework for acquiring the knowledge and skills required in today's industrial environment, or serve as a guide to avoid costly downtime. Starting with motor operation principles, the text builds on motor types, motor protection, causes of motor failure, and troubleshooting methods.

Troubleshooting Electric Motors text/workbook covers drive theory and applications, drive programming and installation, testing, and troubleshooting procedures. Special emphasis is placed on troubleshooting skills.  - more

Also See PLC & Motor Control Training Books & Software
 Also See Electrical Theory Related Items

 Ugly's Electrical Reference Book based on the 2023 NEC

Ugly's Electrical Reference Book + 2023 NEC Softcover Combo

New!Uglys Electrical Reference Book (2023) -

A 'must-have' Electrical Reference for anyone that does Electrical Work - keep one in the Office and one on the Truck!

Electrical Formulas, Conversion Tables, Symbols, Charts, Wiring Diagrams, Conduit Bending and more. All in an easy to read format.

Ugly's Electrical References book is a popular pocket-sized book used by electricians, engineers, contractors, designers, maintenance workers, instructors, and the military.

It is a code-filled reference based on the 2023 NEC - more info & Combos available

 Ugly's Electrical Reference Book based on the 2020 NEC

Uglys Electrical Reference Book (2020) -

A 'must-have' Electrical Reference for anyone that does Electrical Work - keep one in the Office and one on the Truck!

Electrical Formulas, Conversion Tables, Symbols, Charts, Wiring Diagrams, Conduit Bending and more. All in an easy to read format.

Ugly's Electrical References book is a popular pocket-sized book used by electricians, engineers, contractors, designers, maintenance workers, instructors, and the military.

It is a code-filled reference based on the 2020 NEC - more info

UGLY's Electric Motors and Controls 2017
$12.95 $24.95

UGLY's Electric Motors and Controls 2017 -

Work safely and efficiently on motors and controls when you have the new Ugly’s in your toolbox!

Updated to the 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC)

Ugly’s Electric Motors and Controls 2017 is a quick, on-the-job reference specifically designed to provide the most commonly required information on the design, installation, application, and maintenance of motors and controls in an easy-to-read, easy-to-access format.

An ideal tool for electrician’s, contractors, designers, engineers, instructors and students, this essential pocket guide uses diagrams, calculations, and quick explanations to ensure jobs are completed safely and correctly and in accordance to industry standards. - more

Ugly’s Electrical Safety and NFPA 70E
$12.95 $24.95

Ugly’s Electrical Safety and NFPA 70E 2012 -

Ugly’s Electrical Safety and NFPA 70E® is the first pocket-sized summary of NFPA 70E 2012 with comparisons to current OSHA regulations and the 2011 National Electrical Code®.

Important updates in the 2012 NFPA 70E include:

  • Arc-Rated (AR) vs. Flame-Resistant (FR)
  • Documentation of electrical safety programs and training
  • Tables have been added for direct-current systems
  • New requirements for equipment labeling
  • Employees shall be retrained at intervals not to exceed 3 years - more

UGLY's Electric Motors and Controls 2017
$18.95 $24.95

New!UGLY's Electric Motors and Controls 2017 -

Work safely and efficiently on motors and controls when you have the new Ugly’s in your toolbox!

Updated to the 2017 National Electrical Code (NEC)

Ugly’s Electric Motors and Controls 2017 is a quick, on-the-job reference specifically designed to provide the most commonly required information on the design, installation, application, and maintenance of motors and controls in an easy-to-read, easy-to-access format.

An ideal tool for electrician’s, contractors, designers, engineers, instructors and students, this essential pocket guide uses diagrams, calculations, and quick explanations to ensure jobs are completed safely and correctly and in accordance to industry standards. - more

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