Electrical Safety Handbook,
John Cadick, Mary Capelli-Schellpfeffer, Dennis K. Neitzel
The Electrical Safety Handbook is an easy-to-use, illustrated
source of life-saving information tailored to fit specific work
Written by renowned experts in electrical construction safety and
medicine, the Electrical Safety Handbook is the reference
professionals trust for up-to-date and easy-to-follow safety
strategies in industrial and commercial electrical systems.
Covering every major electrical standard,
including NEC, NESC, NFPA, 70E, IEEE 1584, and OSHA,
Electrical Safety Handbook, Third Edition is a
practical, illustrated source of life-saving information designed
for specific work environments.
A unique, one-stop compliance manual for any company’s electrical
safety training and reference needs
must-have guide provides the most current safety strategies for use
in industrial, commercial, and home-office electrical systems in an
easy-to-use format.
Written by experts in electrical operations,
maintenance, engineering, construction, and safety
About the Authors:
John Cadick, P.E., is a registered professional engineer
and the founder and president of the Cadick Corporation. Mr. Cadick
has specialized for over three decades in electrical engineering,
training, and management. His consulting firm, based in Garland,
Texas, specializes in electrical engineering and training and works
extensively in the areas of power system design and engineering
studies, condition-based maintenance programs, and electrical
Prior to creating the Cadick Corporation and its
predecessor, Cadick Professional Services, he held a number of
technical and managerial positions with electric utilities,
electrical testing companies, and consulting firms. In addition to
his consultation work in the electrical power industry, Mr. Cadick
is the author of Cables and Wiring and of numerous professional
articles and technical papers.
Mary Capelli-Schellpfeffer, M.D., M.P.A., delivers outpatient
medical care services to employees in occupational health service
centers. Board-certified as a physician in general preventive
medicine and public health, she is also a consultant to both the
NJATC (National Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee of
National Electrical Contractors Association and International
Brotherhood of Electrical Workers) and IEEE (Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers) Standards Committees. She lives in
Chicago, Illinois.
Dennis K. Neitzel, C.P.E., is a certified plant engineer and
has 33 years of experience in the electrical field. During eight
years with the U.S. Air Force he served consecutively as an
electrician, electrical shift supervisor, quality control inspector,
and evaluator. Subsequent civilian employment included positions at
the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory and at Westinghouse Idaho
Nuclear, where he advanced to senior project engineer.
Mr. Neitzel
went to AVO International Training Institute in 1986 and has
progressed from senior training specialist to Institute Director. He
has served as a principal committee member for NFPA 70E standards
since 1992 and is currently working on the revision of OSHA
regulations. Mr. Neitzel has published articles on electrical
safety, holds a master's degree in electrical engineering applied
sciences, and is a certified electrical inspector.
Al Winfield, of the Cadick Corporation, has more than
three decades of electrical power experience, having conducted more
than 4,500 Electrical Safe Work Practices Seminars.
560 Pages - 6-1/4 x 9-1/4 in.
Copyright 2005
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