Printreading for
Installing and Troubleshooting Electrical Systems,
Glen A. Mazur
William J. Weindorf
Printreading for
Installing and Troubleshooting Electrical Systems is a
comprehensive resource that covers the essential printreading skills
needed to safely install and troubleshoot common residential,
commercial, and industrial electrical systems.
The textbook focuses on printreading
fundamentals, symbols, print elements, and construction
The textbook contains 15 chapters and
includes nearly 200 electrical prints
along with examples to reinforce key concepts. Review questions,
examples, activities, and trade competency tests are included to
assess learner comprehension, while providing examples of real-world
printreading tasks.
Contents include:
- Printreading Fundamentals
- Residential and Commercial Electrical Symbols
- Industrial Electrical and Electronic Symbols
- Electrical Drawings and Plans
- Electrical and Electronic Diagrams
- Construction and Maintenance
- Residential and Commercial Power and Lighting Systems
- VDV Systems
- Fire Alarm and Security Systems
- HVAC Sytems
- Industrial Control Systems
- Industrial Power Systems
- Wiring Methods
- Fluid Power Systems
- Process and Instrumentation Systems
- Quick Quizzes®
- Illustrated Glossary
- Flash Cards
- Resource Library
- Prints
- CSI MasterFormat
- Virtual Motor Control Enclosure
Copyright 2015
532 pages, 330 Illustrations
8-1/2 x 11in.
978-0-8269-2052-2 / 9780826920522