National Building Cost
By: Ben Moselle
costs for more than 80 building types including: residential,
commercial, industrial, military, schools, greenhouses, manufactured
homes, multi-family homes, fire stations, libraries, churches,
government offices and farm buildings.
Includes important variables that can make any
building unique from a cost standpoint. A smart resource for
adjusters and appraisers using the cost approach.
Quickly work up a reliable budget estimate
based on actual materials and design features, class of
construction, area, shape, wall height, number of floors, and
support requirements. Includes easy-to-use software that calculates
total in-place cost estimates. Use the regional cost adjustment
factors provided to tailor the estimate to any jobsite in the U.S.
Then view, print, email or save the detailed PDF report as needed.
Book (print) edition
includes code for a free companion software download, a square-foot
cost estimating program for Windows PCs. Book and software
revised annually.
Software System Requirements:
Windows 11, 10, 8, 7, Vista or XP (32- and
64-bit) operating system.
2025 Total In-Place Costs for Residential, Commercial,
Industrial, Agricultural and Military Structures
Single Family Residences With 4, 6, 8, or 10 Corners,
Masonry or Wood Frame
Multi-Family Residences 2 or 3 Units, 4 or 9 Units, 10 or
more Units
Motels 9 Units or Less, 10 to 24 Units, Over 24 Units, by
Quality Class
Cabins & Recreational Dwellings With 4, 6, 8, or 10 Corners,
by Quality Class
A-Frame Cabins With 4, 6, or 8 Corners, by Square Foot Area
and Quality Class
Urban Stores Masonry, Concrete, or Wood Frame, by Size and
Number of Floors
Suburban Stores Masonry, Concrete, or Wood Frame, by Shape,
Size and Floors
Supermarkets Masonry, Concrete, Wood or Steel Frame, by Size
and Quality
Small Food Stores Masonry or Wood Frame, by Size, Height and
Quality Class
Discount Houses Masonry, Concrete or Wood Frame, by Size,
Height and Quality
Banks & Savings Offices Masonry, Concrete or Wood Frame, by
Number of Floors
Department Stores Masonry, Concrete or Wood Frame, by Area on
each Floor
Offices Masonry, Concrete or Wood Frame, with Interior or
Exterior Entrances
Medical-Dental Buildings - Masonry, Concrete or Wood Frame, by
Entrance Type
Convalescent Hospitals Wood Frame, by Quality Class and Square
Foot Area
Funeral Homes Masonry or Wood Frame, by Quality Class and
Square Foot Area
Restaurants Self-Service, Coffee Shops, Conventional, and
A-Frame Types
Theaters - Masonry, Concrete or Wood Frame, by Shape, Size, and
Quality Class
Mobile Home Parks By Quality, Type of Facilities, and Square
Feet per Space
Service Stations Wood, Masonry, or Steel, Conventional or
Rustic Design
Service Garages Masonry, Concrete or Wood Frame, by Shape and
Floor Area
Industrial Buildings Tilt-up Concrete Warehouses and Factory
Steel Buildings Prefabricated Steel Warehouse and Factory
Farm Buildings Barns, Shops, Sheds, Dairy Buildings, Poultry
Houses and Camps
Churches Places of Worship and Sunday Schools by Square
Foot and Quality Class
Greenhouses Steel Frame or Wood Frame by Square Foot and
Quality Class
Modular Building by Square Footage and Quality Class
Explanation of the Cost Tables, 4
Area Modification Factors, 7
Construction Cost Index, 9
Residential Structures Section, 10
Single Family Residences, 10
Manufactured Housing, 16
Multi-Family Residences, 19
Motels, 23
Additional Costs for Residences, 27
Multi-Family and Motel Garages, 31
Cabins and Recreational Dwellings, 32
Conventional Recreational Dwellings, 33
A-Frame Cabins, 38
Additional Costs for Recreational Dwellings, 42
Life in Years and Depreciation for Residences, 43
Public Buildings Section, 44
Elementary Schools, 44
Secondary Schools, 53
Government Buildings, 56
Commercial Structures Section, 63
Urban Stores, Masonry or Concrete, 64
Urban Stores, Wood or Wood and Steel, 70
Suburban Stores, Masonry or Concrete, 77
Suburban Stores, Wood or Wood and Steel, 82
Supermarkets, Masonry or Concrete, 91
Supermarkets, Wood or Wood and Steel, 93
Small Food Stores, Masonry or Concrete, 95
Small Food Stores, Wood Frame, 97
Discount Houses, Masonry or Concrete, 99
Discount Houses, Wood or Wood and Steel, 101
Banks and Savings Offices, Masonry or Concrete, 103
Banks and Savings Office, Wood Frame, 108
Department Stores, Reinforced Concrete, 114
Department Stores, Masonry or Concrete, 117
Department Stores, Wood Frame, 120
General Office Buildings, Masonry or Concrete, 123
General Office Buildings, Wood Frame, 131
Medical-Dental Buildings, Masonry or Concrete, 139
Medical-Dental Buildings, Wood Frame, 147
Convalescent Hospitals, Masonry or Concrete, 155
Convalescent Hospitals, Wood Frame, 157
Funeral Homes, 159
Ecclesiastic Buildings, 161
Self Service Restaurants, 163
Coffee Shop Restaurants, 166
Conventional Restaurants, 169
A-Frame Restaurants, 171
Theaters, Masonry or Concrete, 173
Mobile Home Parks, 184
Service Stations, Wood, Masonry or Steel, 186
Service Stations, Porcelain Finished Steel, 188
Service Stations, Ranch or Rustic, 190
Additional Costs for Service Stations, 192
Service Garages, Masonry or Concrete, 196
Service Garages, Wood Frame, 201
Auto Service Centers, Masonry or Concrete, 206
Industrial Structures Section, 212
Warehouses, 212
Light Industrial Buildings, 213
Factory Buildings, 214
Internal Offices, 215
External Offices, 215
Steel Buildings, 216
Alternate Costs for Steel Buildings, 218
Commercial and Industrial Building Lives, 223
Additional Commercial and Industrial Costs, 224
Material Handling System, 230
Display Fronts, 231
Satellite Receiver Systems, 233
Signs, 234
Yard Improvements, 235
Agriculture Structures Section, 238
General Purpose Barns, 238
Hay Storage Barns, 239
Feed Barns, 240
Shop Buildings, 241
Machinery and Equipment Sheds, 242
Small Sheds, 243
Pole Barns, 244
Low Cost Dairy Barns, 245
Stanchion Dairy Barns, 246
Walk-Through Dairy Barns, 247
Modern Herringbone Barns, 248
Miscellaneous Dairy Costs, 249
Poultry Houses, Conventional, 250
Poultry Houses, Modern Type, 251
Poultry Houses, High Rise Type, 252
Poultry Houses, Deep Pit Type, 253
Poultry House Equipment, 254
Green Houses, 255
Migrant Worker Housing, 256
Miscellaneous Agricultural Structures, 257
Typical Lives for Agricultural Buildings, 257
Military Construction Section, 258
Facility Costs, 259
Index, 261
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