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National Estimator Cost Estimating Guides & Software
2025 National Estimator Labor & Cost Estimating Guides and Software

Orders over $300 ship FREE to 48 States

Craftsman National Building Cost Manual 2025 New!National Building Cost Estimator 2025 -

Square-foot costs for residential, commercial, industrial, military, schools, greenhouses, manufactured homes, fire stations, libraries, churches, government offices and farm buildings.

Includes important variables that can make any building unique from a cost standpoint.

Quickly work up a reliable budget estimate based on actual materials and design features, area, shape, wall height, number of floors, and support requirements.

Now includes easy-to-use software that calculates total in-place cost estimates. Use the regional cost adjustment factors provided to tailor the estimate to any jobsite in the U.S. Then view, print, email or save the detailed PDF report as needed. - more

Craftsman National Construction Estimator 2025 New!National Construction Estimator 2025 -

73rd Annual Edition - Current building costs for residential, commercial, and industrial construction. Estimated prices for every common building material, the labor cost to install the material and a total "installed" cost. For those jobs where you can't rely on your past experience to estimate, rely on the prices in this national standard of construction costs to get you safely in the ballpark.

Provides manhours, recommended crew, and the labor cost for installation of every job and practically every type of material in construction. Provides clear descriptions on what is included in the job being estimated so you know exactly what the job and the prices for that job entail. Every cost is carefully described. It even provides suggested crew sizes, and equipment rates.

Costs include: pollution control costs for motor generator sets, costs of hydronic boilers, windstorm certified roof turbine fans, wind turbine generators, garage exhaust fans, hybrid central and heating and cooling, LEED certified boilers, and LEED certified hydronic hot water generators. - more

Craftsman National Electrical Estimator New!National Electrical Estimator 2025 -

This year's prices for installation of all common electrical work: conduit, wire, boxes, fixtures, switches, outlets, loadcenters, panelboards, raceway, duct, signal systems, and more.

Provides material costs, manhours per unit, and total installed cost. Explains what you should know to estimate each part of an electrical system.

Current Labor and Material Cost Estimates for Residential, Commercial and Industrial Electrical Work. - more

Estimating Electrical Construction Revised New!Estimating Electrical Construction Revised -

Step-by-Step Procedures for Manual and Computerized Electrical Estimating.

Explains how to create a reliable estimate for Residential, Commercial or Light Industrial Construction - from essential preliminaries to submitting the final Bid.

Every aspect of Electrical Estimating is covered - from plan take-off, to labor units, to material pricing, to assembly of the bid summary. Includes practical examples and sample forms to use on your jobs.

Like taking a class in how to estimate materials and labor for residential and commercial electrical construction. A complete estimate for a commercial building is included, starting with the scope of work, the materials and equipment to use, installation requirements and a complete set of plans for the electrical system. - more

ElectriCalc Pro

$99.95 $74.95

New!ElectriCalc Pro Electrical Calculator - Updated to 2023 NEC!

ElectriCalc Pro with FREE Armadillo CaseElectrical Contractors, Designers, Electricians and Lighting Specialists solve tough electrical calculations in seconds and deliver those solutions in conformance with the latest NEC.  Saves time, reduces material cost and eliminates code violations on electrical design, estimating and construction jobs. The ElectriCalc Pro is a complete electrical reference tool that will save time, trouble and money. 

Compliant with 2023, 2020, 2017, 2014, 2011, 2008, 2005, 2002, 1999, 1996 NEC and updateable for future code revisions. Complete wire sizing, integrated voltage drops solutions and conduit sizing solutions: finds motor full-loads, computes fuse and breaker sizes and size overload protection.

Includes FREE Armadillo Gear protective Hard Case.

Upgrade your older ElectriCalc with the NEC UPGRADE KIT  - more info

Craftsman National Home Improvement Estimator 2025 New!National Home Improvement Estimator 2025 -

Current labor and material prices for home improvement projects.

Take advantage of home improvement jobs you may never have bid on before by relying on the solid cost figures in this book. That's why so many home improvement contractors use this manual as their company price book.

Recently added sections include: Restorative drying, water damage and mold remediation. Smart home electrical management systems prices that comply with U.S. Green Building Council standards for energy-efficient upgrades. LED lighting retrofit costs, HEPA central air filtration retrofit costs, heat recovery ventilator central system retrofit costs, storm flood damage repair and prevention costs, mold and dry rot remediation costs, basement HVAC restoration costs, corrosion coating costs, and much more

Craftsman National Painting Cost Estimator 2025 New!National Painting Cost Estimator 2025 -

This is the most complete, authoritative and reliable unit cost guide ever made available to paint estimators. - No matter what types of work you estimate, no matter what your costs are, this book will help you produce consistently reliable painting estimates in dollars and cents.

A complete guide to estimating painting costs for just about any type of residential, commercial, or industrial painting, whether by brush, spray, or roller.

Shows typical costs and bid prices for fast, medium, and slow work, including material costs per gallon; square feet covered per gallon; square feet covered per manhour; labor, material, overhead, and taxes per 100 square feet; and how much to add for profit. - more

Craftsman National Plumbing & HVAC Estimator New!National Plumbing & HVAC Estimator 2025 -

Manhours, labor and material costs for all common plumbing and HVAC work in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. You can quickly work up a reliable estimate based on the pipe, fittings and equipment required.

Every plumbing and HVAC estimator can use the cost estimates in this practical manual. Sample estimating and bidding forms and contracts also included. Explains how to handle change orders, letters of intent, and warranties. Describes the right way to process submittals, deal with suppliers and subcontract specialty work. - more

Craftsman National Renovation & Insurance Repair Estimator 2025 New!National Renovation & Insurance Repair Estimator 2025 -

Labor and Material Costs for All Insurance Repair & Renovation Work

Current prices in dollars and cents for hard-to-find items needed on most insurance, repair, remodeling, and renovation jobs.

All price items include labor, material, and equipment breakouts, plus special charts that tell you exactly how these costs are calculated.  - more

Craftsman National Repair & Remodeling Estimator 2025 New!National Repair & Remodeling Estimator 2025 -

The complete pricing guide for dwelling reconstruction costs. Reliable, specific data you can apply on every repair and remodeling job. Up-to-date material costs and labor figures based on thousands of jobs across the country.

Provides recommended crew sizes; average production rates; exact material, equipment, and labor costs; a total unit cost and a total price including overhead and profit.

Separate listings for high- and low-volume builders, so prices shown are specific for any size business. Estimating tips specific to repair and remodeling work to make your bids complete, realistic, and profitable.  - more

more Specialty Calculators & Measuring Tools
Labor & Cost Guides:
  • Concrete & Masonry
  • Construction
  • Earthwork
  • Electrical
  • Facilities
  • Framing & Finish Carpentry
  • Home Building
  • Home Improvement
  • Public Works
  • Repair & Remodeling
  • Mechanical
  • Painting
  • Plumbing
  • Unit Cost
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