Part One: Components;
Chapter 1. Components;
Chapter 2. Resist If You Must;
Chapter 3. More Components and Semiconductors;
Chapter 4. Two Projects and Then Some More;
Part Two: Introduction to Digital Electronics;
Chapter 5. Digital Logic;
Chapter 6. The First NAND Gate Circuit;
Chapter 7. Analog Switches for Digital Circuits;
Chapter 8. The NAND Gate Oscillator;
Chapter 9. How Do We Understand What We Can't See;
Chapter 10. Digital Logic Project;
Part Three: Counting Systems in Electronics;
Chapter 11. Introducing an Analog-to-Digital Converter;
Chapter 12. The 4017 Walking Ring Counter;
Chapter 13. Running a Seven-Segment Display;
Chapter 14. Define, Design, and Make Your Own Project;
Part Four: Amplifiers - What They Are and How To Use Them;
Chapter 15. What is an Amplifier?;
Chapter 16. Exploring the Op Amp;
Chapter 17. Applying the Op Amp: Building the Intercom;
Chapter 18. Prototype and Design - Patience Has Its Rewards;
Part Five: Appendices;
Appendix A. Common Component Packaging;
Appendix B. Capacitors: Reading and Decoding;
Appendix C. Animations List;
Appendix D. Glossary;
Appendix E. Make Your Own Printed Circuit Boards;
He currently writes for hobbyist publications such as MAKE