Michael Jay Geier
Master the Art of Electronics
In this hands-on guide, a lifelong electronics repair guru shares
his tested techniques and invaluable insights. How to Diagnose
and Fix Everything Electronic shows you how to repair and extend
the life of all kinds of solid-state devices, from modern digital
gadgetry to cherished analog products of yesteryear.
You'll start by selecting the tools and test equipment you'll
need and setting up your workbench. Then, you'll get familiar with
components and how they form circuits, stages, and sections of a
device. Next, you'll learn how to take a product apart, figure out
what's wrong with it, replace components, and reassemble it.
Real-world case studies help clarify the topics covered. Tips and
tricks for specific devices, such as optical disc players,
computers, and video recorders, are also included in this practical
- Set up a workbench and equip it with tools and test
- Ensure personal safety and avoid electrical and
physical damage to devices
- Understand electrical units, circuits, and signals
- Use test equipment, including a digital multimeter,
signal generator, frequency counter, and an oscilloscope
- Repair circuit boards and replace parts
- Work with components, from capacitors and ICs to
transistors and zeners
- Learn to read block, schematic, and pictorial
- Disassemble devices and identify sections and stages
- Troubleshoot and diagnose to the component level
- Perform reverse-order reassembly
Chapter 1. Prepare for Blastoff: Fixing is Fun!;
Chapter 2. Setting Up Shop: Tools of the Trade;
Chapter 3. Danger, Danger! Staying Safe;
Chapter 4. I Fix, Therefore I Am: The Philosophy of
Chapter 5. Naming Names: Important Terms, Concepts and
Building Blocks;
Chapter 6. Working Your Weapons: Using Test Equipment;
Chapter 7. What Little Gizmos Are Made Of: Components;
Chapter 8. Roadmaps and Street Signs: Diagrams;
Chapter 9. Entering Without Breaking: Getting Inside;
Chapter 10. What the Heck is That: Recognizing Major
Chapter 11. A-Hunting We Will Go: Signal Tracing and
Chapter 12. Presto Change-o: Circuit Boards and Replacing
Chapter 13. That's a Wrap: Reverse-Order Reassembly;
Chapter 14. Aces Up Your Sleeve: Tips and Tricks for Specific
About the
Michael Jay Geier began operating a neighborhood
electronics repair service at age eight that was profiled in The
Miami News. He went on to work in numerous electronics service
centers as the "tough dog" tech, solving cases that baffled the
other servicers.
Michael was a pioneer in the field of augmentative communications
systems, helping to develop speech synthesis systems for children
with cerebral palsy.
He has written technology features for Electronic Engineering
Times, Desktop Engineering, IEEE Spectrum, The Envisioneering
Newsletter, 73 Amateur Radio Today, and Radio Fun.
336 Pages