Mechanical Electrical
by BNi
Building News
This costbook puts thousands of
current, reliable mechanical and electrical costs at your
fingertips, so you can estimate quickly and accurately.
All of the data is organized according to the industry standard
the CSI MASTERFORMAT so you can find everything you need fast.
What's more, Geographic Modifiers allow you to tailor your estimates
to specific areas of the country. Every cost item has been carefully
researched and updated.
The mechanical and electrical portions of a building typically
account for 30% or more of construction costs. This type of work is
very specialized and includes materials and installations which
require detailed pricing -- such as piping, valves, ducts, fans,
chillers, condensers, conduit, and transformers. All of these areas
are thoroughly covered in this costbook.
Over 14,000 unit prices are broken down into material and
labor costs, and complete man-hour tables provide maximum coverage
and flexibility.
CSI MASTERFORMAT, vi Sample Costbook Page, xi
Costbook Pages, 1 Man-Hour Tables, 299 Supporting Construction Reference Data, 441 Geographic Cost Modifiers, 477 Square Foot Tables, 487
Index, 499
CSI MASTERFORMAT All data in the Costbook pages and Man-Hour tables is organized
according to the CSI MASTERFORMAT - the industry standard
numbering/classification system. The data is divided into the
16 divisions as shown below. The five digit numbers within each
division correspond to the MASTERFORMAT Broadscope designations.
Each section is further broken down into MASTERFORMAT Mediumscope
designations. These numbers, in most cases, are the same as those
used in architectural and engineering specifications.
The construction estimating information in this book is divided
into two main sections: Costbook Pages and Man-Hour Tables. Each is
organized to the 16 divisions of the CSI MASTERFORMAT as shown
below. In addition, there are extensive Construction Reference
Tables, Geographic Cost Modifiers, Square Foot Tables and a detailed
Sample pages with graphic explanations are included before the
Costbook pages, Man-Hour Tables and Square Foot Tables. These
explanations, along with the discussions below, will provide a good
understanding of what is included in this book and how it can best
be used for construction estimating.
Sample of CSI
General Requirements |
Division 1 |
Summary of Work |
01010 |
Allowances |
01020 |
Measurement and Payment |
01025 |
Alternates/Alternatives |
01030 |
Modification Procedures |
01035 |
Coordination |
01040 |
Field Engineering |
01050 |
Regulatory Requirements |
01060 |
Identification Systems |
01070 |
References |
01090 |
Special Project Procedures |
01100 |
Project Meetings |
01200 |
Submittals |
01300 |
Quality Control |
01400 |
Construction Facilities &
Temporary Controls |
01500 |
Material and Equipment |
01600 |
Startup/Commissioning |
01650 |
Contract Closeout |
01700 |
Maintenance |
01800 |
Softcover - 498 Pages
8-1/2 x 11 in.
2023 NEC & Related Reference & Study

Specialty Electrical Tools

for Electricians
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