- User programmable sample rates from 1 second to 24 hours
- Stores up to 256,000 measurements
- User programmable high/low alarms
- LCD indicates time/date, current readings, Max/Min, Peak hold and whether alarm
set- tings have been exceeded
- Download collected data through USB interface
- Auto power off and battery check
NIST Traceable Certification
- Includes AC current clamp sensor and voltage sensor, USB cable, software, and
- AC Current Range: 10 to 200A
- Resolution: 0.1A
- Accuracy: ±(2% rdg. ±1A)
- AC Voltage Range: 10 to 600V
- Resolution: 0.1V
- Accuracy: ±(2% rdg. ±1V)

R5003 DataSheet
R5003 Manual |