for Electrical Safety in the Workplace,
2018 Ed.
Christopher Coache
NFPA 70E® Handbook is your comprehensive source for
knowledge about NFPA 70E, electrical safety, and
Don't go it alone! Apply
NFPA 70E® correctly and reduce your
exposure to electrical hazards using the full-color NFPA 70E
Handbook as your guide.
Working around electricity can be deadly. Understand how
NFPA 70E is the key to ensuring an
electrically safe working area using NFPA 70E Handbook for
Electrical Safety in the Workplace®. Loaded with commentary and
art, this comprehensive full-color resource helps you assess risks,
determine hazards, select PPE,
and use proven electrical safety-related work practices. If you're a
manager or business owner, the Handbook helps you reduce the
potential for significant liabilities involving loss of life,
serious injuries, and damage to equipment due to electrical hazards.
Everyone who works on or
near electrical equipment, or who supervises someone who does, needs
the life-saving guidance in the NFPA 70E Handbook.
Many workers are unaware of how using NFPA 70E: Standard for
Electrical Safety in the Workplace reduces their risks to electrical
hazards. This Standard is not only important, it helps companies
comply with OSHA 1910 Subpart S and OSHA 1926 Subpart K. Revised to
reflect the latest edition of NFPA 70E, the new NFPA 70E Handbook
offers explanations and advice to help you interpret the Standard
and make the right decisions every day on the job.
OSHA is the "what" and NFPA 70E is the "how." The 2018 edition NFPA
70E Handbook provides the "whys" and the support you need.
The Handbook includes
the entire 2018 NFPA 70E text plus
exclusive commentary
that explains requirements and their intent, breaks down
tasks, and addresses different equipment and scenarios.
- Commentary is also
provided on major updates, such as the modified arc flash
hazard identification table [Table 130.7(C)(15)(A)(a)] that
makes it easier to determine the likelihood that an arc flash
could occur, and key changes to Article 320 that introduce
voltage thresholds of 100 Vdc specifically for batteries and
battery rooms.
- More than 150
full-color photos, charts, and illustrations bring safety
concepts to life -- invaluable on the job and for worker
- Summary of
Technical Changes at the beginning of the Handbook
highlights revisions in the 2018 edition.
- Supplements include a
list of requirement headings from the
2017 NEC® that directly impact
the implementation of safety-related work practices, extracted
material from NFPA 70B: Recommended
Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance on electrical
equipment maintenance, and guidance in writing a safety
New to this edition is the "OSHA Connection"
feature, which shows how OSHA's electrical safety standards
correspond with certain NFPA 70E requirements.
Also new for 2018 is the
"Worker Alert" feature, which highlights crucial electrical
safety information specifically for the employee.
Avoid tragedies with
electrical safety answers in the NFPA 70E Handbook.
Get electrical safety support directly from the NFPA 70E and NEC
source, and learn how to keep yourself alive and your workplace
electrical injury-free. Order the revised, full-color NFPA 70E
Handbook for Electrical Safety in the Workplace now
About the Editors
NFPA 70E ®, Standard for
Electrical Safety in the Workplace®, with Commentary
90 Introduction
Chapter 1 Safety-Related Work
100 Definitions
105 Application of Safety-Related Work Practices
110 General Requirements for Electrical Safety-Related
Work Practices
120 Establishing an Electrically Safe Work Condition
130 Work Involving Electrical Hazards
Chapter 2 Safety-Related Maintenance
200 Introduction
205 General Maintenance Requirements
210 Substations, Switchgear Assemblies, Switchboards,
Panelboards, Motor Control Centers, and Disconnect
215 Premises Wiring
220 Controller Equipment
225 Fuses and Circuit Breakers
230 Rotating Equipment
235 Hazardous (Classified) Locations
240 Batteries and Battery Rooms
245 Portable Electric Tools and Equipment
250 Personal Safety and Protective Equipment
Chapter 3 Safety Requirements for
Special Equipment
300 Introduction
310 Safety-Related Work Practices for Electrolytic Cells
320 Safety Requirements Related to Batteries and Battery
330 Safety-Related Work Practices for Use of Lasers
340 Safety-Related Work Practices: Power Electronic
350 Safety-Related Work Requirements: Research and
Development Laboratories
Annex A Referenced Publications
Informative Annex B Informational
Informative Annex C Limits of
Informative Annex D Incident Energy
and Arc Flash Boundary Calculation Methods
Informative Annex E Electrical
Safety Program
Informative Annex F Hazard
Analysis, Risk Estimation, and Risk Evaluation Procedure
Informative Annex G Sample
Lockout/Tagout Procedure
Informative Annex H Guidance on
Selection of Protective Clothing and Other Personal
Protective Equipment
Informative Annex I Job Briefing
and Planning Checklist
Informative Annex J Energized
Electrical Work Permit
Informative Annex K General
Categories of Electrical Hazards
Informative Annex L Typical
Application of Safeguards in the Cell Line Working Zone
Informative Annex M Layering of
Protective Clothing and Total System Arc Rating
Informative Annex N Example
Industrial Procedures and Policies for Working Near Overhead
Electrical Lines and Equipment
Informative Annex O Safety-Related
Design Requirements
Informative Annex P Aligning
Implementation of This Standard with Occupational Health and
Safety Management Standards
Informative Annex Q
Human Performance and Workplace Electrical Safety
National Electrical Code Requirements Associated With
Safety-Related Work Practices
Electrical Preventive Maintenance Programs
Typical Safety Procedure (Procedure for Selection, Inspection,
and Care of Rubber Insulating Gloves and Leather Protectors)
Important Notices and
Legal Disclaimers
384 pages, 2018
9781455914845 / 9781455908189