Electrical Code (NEC)
the United States and around the world, NFPA 70®: National
Electrical Code® (NEC) sets the foundation for electrical safety in
residential, commercial, and industrial occupancies.
The 2020 edition of
the National Electrical Code (NEC), provides new and
updated information on safe and effective electrical design,
installation, and inspection in residential, commercial, and
industrial settings.
Impactful changes
Exterior Emergency
Disconnects: New requirements to improve electrical safety
for emergency responders at one- and two-family dwelling
Deenergizing Panel
Boards: Revised service disconnect rules to help increase
electrical worker safety.
Marinas and
Boatyards: Updated ground-fault protection and leak
age-current measurement device requirements.
Conducting Load
Calculations: Modernized tables for calculations to reflect
improvements in energy efficiency.
Power Over Ethernet:
Revised requirements to meet the installation practices of new
and evolving technologies
2020 NEC & Related Reference & Study

9781455922970, 1455922978
9781455912773, 9781455912780, 9781455912797