Planning Drain Waste &
Vent Systems
Howard Massey
Preview Chapter
This practical guide to planning and designing drainage, waste
and vent systems will help you prepare plumbing plans for just about
any project you're likely to handle: residential, commercial.,
private sewage disposal systems, mobile home parks - even public
toilet room layouts for the physically handicapped.
It covers the entire subject, from basic plumbing principles to
the final drawings. Emphasis is on designing systems that meet
requirements for any of the popular plumbing codes.
Detailed chapters cover:
- Basic Plumbing Principles
- Traps and Cleanouts
- General Regulations
- Interceptors and Separators
- Plumbing Materials
- Septic Tanks and Drainfields
- Vents and Venting
- Drawing D WV Plans
Most plumbing designers know the inconvenience and expense - of
having their plans rejected - often because of a small oversight.
This manual has all the information you need to get your plans
approved the first time, and to avoid expensive mistakes and delays.
Everyone who plans or installs plumbing systems in communities where
plumbing codes are enforced should have this practical manual.
Illustrated with hundreds of diagrams, sketches and schematics,
this is your best guide to the intricacies of drainage, waste and
vent systems.
The Author:
Howard C. Massey has seen plumbing from every perspective -
as a plumber, contractor, inspector, plans examiner and consultant.
He's one of the nation's outstanding authorities on the plumbing
code and preparing for the plumbing exam.
Mr. Massey began as an apprentice plumber, advancing quickly to
journeyman, and then master plumber. For over fifteen years he
operated his own plumbing contracting firm in Florida, undertaking a
wide variety of residential, commercial and school projects.
fourteen years he was assistant plumbing chief and plans examiner
for Dade County (Miami) Florida. He's helped write, grade and
monitor plumbing exams and is a nationally recognized expert both on
the code and how to teach code compliance to apprentice and
journeyman plumbers.
Other books by Mr. Massey are Basic Plumbing with Illustrations,
Plumber's Handbook,
Plumber's Exam Preparation Guide, and
Illustrated Guide to the International Plumbing
& Fuel Gas Codes.
- Which Code Do You Need?, 5
- How Plans Are Approved, 6
- Basic Principles of the Plumbing Code, 7
- Designing Drainage, Waste and Vent Systems, 9
- The Terminology, 10
2 Plumbing Systems: General Regulations, 11
- General Instructions and Regulations, 11
3 Standards for Plumbing Materials, 22
- Material Standards in the UPC, 22
- Special Materials, 28
4 An Introduction to Sanitary Drainage Systems, 31
- Parts of a Drainage, Waste and Vent System, 31
- Sewage Disposal, 32
- Building Sewers, 33
- Materials for Drainage Systems, 39
- Isometric Drawings, 41
- Sizing the Drainage System, 41
5 Vents and Venting, 48
- Preventing Back Pressure and Siphonage, 48
- Materials for Vent Piping, 49
- Protecting Vent Pipes, 50
- Code-Required Vent Slopes and Connections, 51
- Vent Stacks and Stack Vents, 52
- Vent Stacks and Relief Vents, 54
- Types of Vents and Venting Systems, 57
6 Fixture Traps and Cleanouts, 65
- Fixture Trap Requirements, 65
- Drainage Pipe Cleanouts, 69
- Manholes, 72
7 Interceptors, Separators and Neutralizing Devices, 81
- Grease Interceptors, 81
- Greasy Waste Systems, 85
- Lint Interceptors, 87
- Gasoline, Oil and Sand Interceptors, 89
- Other Types of Interceptors or Separators, 95
- Neutralizing Tanks, 97
8 Indirect Waste Piping and Special Wastes, 99
- Indirect Waste Pipes, 99
- Indirect Waste Connections, 100
- Other Types of Special Waste, 106
- Storm Drainage Systems, 108
- Combined Drainage Systems, 112
9 Private Sewage Disposal Systems, 117
- How a Septic Tank System Works, 117
- Drainfield Construction, 123
- Special Types of Effluent Disposal, 127
10 Mobile Home and RV Park Plumbing Systems, 134
- General Regulations, 135
- Designing a Park Drainage System, 136
- Designing a Park Water Distribution System, 141
11 Drawing Your Drainage and Vent Systems, 142
- The Working Drawings, 142
- Job Specifications, 143
- Floor Plans, 144
- Isometric Drawings, 150
Common Plumbing Abbreviations, 159
Glossary, 163
Index, 186