Lynn Underwood
An answer book for both contractors and
building inspectors, this manual explains what it takes to pass
inspections under the 2009
International Residential Code. It includes a code checklist for
every trade, covering some of the most common reasons why inspectors
reject residential work – footings, foundations, slabs, framing,
sheathing, plumbing, electrical, HVAC, energy conservation and final
Knowing in advance what the inspector wants to
see gives contractors an (almost unfair) advantage. To pass
inspection, just go down the checklists in this manual before the
inspector arrives. Even better, use this manual as a guide to what
constitutes good construction practice – and is almost certain to
pass inspection.
This manual will be worth many times the cover
- If your fingers are crossed every time an
inspector walks on the job.
- If failed inspections are an embarrassing
waste of time and money.
- If you want to build a reputation for
professional-quality work.
- If you need to improve relations with
code-enforcement personnel.
The author steps you through the entire permit
process, item by item – permit processing, plan review, zoning, site
development, all the codes (IRC, IBC, IPC, IMC, etc.), and rules
recommend for both contractors and inspectors:
- Tips for developing good relations with
the building inspector.
- What to do and what to avoid when your
job doesn't pass inspection.
- What to do if you feel you're being
treated unfairly (appeals).
- Where the inspector has latitude and when
it doesn't pay to argue.
- Dozens of tips to ensure you pass the
next inspection.
- Who to ask for at the building department
when you need help.
But this is more than a guide to
code-compliance. It's also a handbook for building inspectors and
anyone interested in a code enforcement career. The author explains
how to qualify yourself for a job at the local building department,
how to sail through the examination and interview process, and what
it takes to be an effective code enforcement official.
If your work requires getting permits and
passing inspections, put this manual to work on your next job.
About the Author:
Lynn Underwood is Chief Building
Official for Norfolk, Virginia. He has been a code enforcement
official for nearly 30 years, holds a dozen certifications,
including plans examiner, building, plumbing, mechanical and
electrical inspector, and has conducted hundreds of on-site
There's lifetime of code-compliance and
enforcement savvy between the covers of this manual.
Section I:
Who Needs Building Codes?
Reasons for the Rules
Building Code Enforcement Staff
Your Plans in Plan Review
Building Inspections
Building Permit Technicians
Careers in Code Compliance
A Job Description for Inspectors
Code of Conduct for Inspectors
Inspectors and Inspections
The Most Common Code Violations
Code Organization and Scope
Section II:
Foundations & Footings Inspection
Groundwork Plumbing Inspection
Pre-Slab Work Inspection
Wood Wall Framing Inspection
Floor & Roof Framing Inspection
Floor & Roof Decking Inspection
Exterior Covering Inspection
Intermediate Plumbing Installation
Intermediate Mechanical
Installation Inspection
Intermediate Electrical
Installation Inspection
Insulation Inspection
Gypsum Wallboard Inspection
Final Inspection
Copyright 2010
Softcover, 232 Pages
8-1/2 x 11 in.
more Building Code
9781572182387 /