Machine Trades Printreading,
3rd Edition
By: Thomas E. Proctor, J. David Holloway, Jonathan F. Gosse
Machine Trades
Printreading, 3E presents a thorough foundation for understanding the
symbols, practices, and concepts used in prints for manufacturing
and machining processes.

This text/workbook describes how parts made in
a machine shop are described in two-dimensional drawings with the
necessary precision. Topics focus on the representation of objects
in various views and the specification of sizes and shapes of object
This new edition references the latest ANSI
standards for printreading symbols and object representation and
adds new information on tolerancing and precision measurement.
Numerous trade competency tests throughout the
book are based on practical manufacturing prints.
End-of-chapter tests are designed to
strengthen the printreading skills and knowledge from each chapter.
The final chapter’s collection of trade
competency tests challenges the learner to interpret prints using
knowledge from all chapters.
CD-ROM also features new
learning resources.
Contents include:
- Prints
- Object Representation
- Sectional and Auxiliary Views
- Shop Math
- Measurement
- Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing
- Detail and Assembly Prints
- Materials and Machining
- Threads and Fasteners
- Gears and Cams
- Numerical Control
- Trade Competency Tests
350 pages
240 Illustrations
978-0-8269-1881-9 /