Math Principles and Applications
Melissa D. Weston, Patrick J. Klette
Electrical Math Principles and
Applications presents math principles in an electrical context so
that learners understand their relevance.
Electrical Math Principles and Applications demonstrates
how electrical technicians use math on the job. From the
fundamentals to advanced math concepts, this text/workbook presents
math principles in an electrical context so that learners understand
their relevance.
Each chapter is divided into smaller sections that present basic
math principles in arithmetic, notations, numbering systems,
measurements, conversions, formulas, equations, percentages, ratios,
graphs, trigonometry, vectors, and complex numbers.
- Electrical applications provide step-by-step explanations
and graphics showcasing how math is used to solve problems in
the field.
- Checkpoint questions at the end of each section assess
comprehension of math principles.
Math exercises at the end of each chapter ask learners to use
math principles to solve electrical problems.
- Complimentary online learner resources provide additional
opportunities to learn and apply math skills.
Contents include:
Whole Numbers, Integers,
and Decimals in the Electrical Field
- Whole Numbers
- Integers
- Decimals
Fractions and Mixed
Numbers in the Electrical Field
- Fractions and Mixed
- Working with Fractions
Notations and Numbering
Systems in the Electrical Field
- Standard and
Scientific Notation
- Engineering Notation
and Prefixes
- Alternative Numbering
Electrical Measurement
Systems and Conversions
- US Customary System
and Metric System Conversions
- Conversions Between
Measurement Systems
- Accuracy and Precision
Electrical Formulas and
- Performing Operations
in Electrical Formulas
- Solving Electrical
Equations and Formulas
- Applying Electrical
Electrical Applications
of Percentages and Ratios
- Fractions, Decimals,
and Percentages
- Ratios, Rates, and
- Percent Increases and
- Direct and Inverse
Electrical Equations and
- Interpreting and
Creating Graphs
- Graphing Equations
Electrical Applications
of Right Triangle Trigonometry
- Right Triangles and
Pythagorean Theorem
- Trigonometric Ratios
Electrical Applications
of Sinusoidal Trigonometry
- Sine Waves
- Instantaneous and Peak
- Common AC Amplitudes
Electrical Predictions
Using Vectors
- Vector Magnitude and
Vector Direction
- Horizontal and
Vertical Vector Components
- Law of Sines and Law
of Cosines
Electrical Applications
of Complex Numbers
- Expressing Complex
- Basic Operations with
Complex Numbers
Copyright 2021
384 pages 8-1/2 x 11in.
288 Illustrations
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